Any parent or citizen interested in the school can attend P&C meetings. However, in order to be eligible to vote on issues, you will need to become a P&C member.
To become a P&C member:
You can join the P&C at any time throughout the year, however voting rights do not commence until the meeting after your membership has been ratified. The exception to this is applications submitted at the AGM.
Download, complete and sign the 'Membership Form'.
Once the form has been completed, these can be scanned and emailed to the P&C Business Manager.
If you cannot attend the next General Meeting where your membership will be ratified, you will need to sign the additional waiver on the membership form.
Please note:
Each year at the AGM, all of the previous year's memberships lapse. New applications are accepted at the start of the meeting and voting rights commence immediately.
About Us

Operating Hours
Before School Care
Monday to Friday (school term)
6:30am to 8:45am
After School Care
Monday to Friday (school term)
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Vacation Care Days
Monday to Friday (school holidays)
6:30am - 6:00pm
Pupil Free Days
6:30am - 6:00pm
The service is closed on weekends, all public holidays and for two (2) weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.
Office Hours
Please feel free to pop by at any time throughout the day and a member of our management team can assist you with your enquires.
Please be aware our busiest period of the day is 2:50pm - 3:30pm as we are signing children in and supporting their transition from school. We may also be trying to locate any missing children who are yet to arrive at OSHC.
For this reason, we are unable to have meetings and discussions during this time.
Alternatively, you can contact us via phone or email with your queries.
The OSHC office is located in the Kelvin Grove State College Junior School Hall Foyer, adjacent to the Junior School Oval. The best parking is on Tank Street, however additional parking is available in surrounding streets. Please check signage for information on parking times/limits as Brisbane City Council regularly patrols the area. The best entry point is via the pedestrian gate located on Tank Street.
OSHC is primarily held in the Junior School hall, but we have various licensed areas on the Junior, Middle and Senior School campuses.
Our Approved Provider
Kelvin Grove Outside School Hours Care is proudly owned and operated by the Kelvin Grove State College Parents and Citizens Association. Our Approved Provider is the P&C Executive Committee which consists of a group of elected representatives who are a part of our wider school community.